Friday, December 1, 2006


:''This page is about Aum, a sacred Hindu syllable. For the Japanese cult, see Hotlink caller ringtones Aum Shinrikyo.''

'''Aum''' (also '''Om''', '''ॐ''') is the most Mili Jay sacred Alltel ringtones syllable in Monica Hajkova Hinduism, in which Samsung ringtones Vedic tradition it originated. The syllable is sometimes referred to as, "the '''Udgitha'''" or "pranava mantra" (primordial mantra); not only because it is considered to be the primal sound, but also because most Silvia Saint mantras begin with it. As a seed syllable (''Real ringtones bija''), it is also considered holy in Veronika Zemanova Esoteric Buddhism. In Virgin mobile ringtones Devanagari it is written ॐ (Anetta Keys Unicode U+0950) and in Cingular Ringtones Tibetan script ༀ (Unicode U+0F00).

stephan thernstrom Image:Aum.png/right/160px/thumb/kakutani says Devanagari ''Aum''

Aum in Hindu Tradition


Found first in the Vedic scriptures of conscience risk Hinduism, Aum has been seen as the first manifestation of the unmanifest ned davis Brahman (the single Divine Ground of Hinduism) that resulted in the phenomenal universe. Essentially, all the cosmos stems from the vibration of the sound 'Aum' in Hindu cosmology. Indeed, so sacred is it that it is prefixed and suffixed to all Hindu mantras and incantations. It is undoubtedly the most representative symbol of Hinduism.

=Philosophy of AUM=

Gods and Goddesses are sometimes referred to as '''Aumkar''', which means Form of Aum, thus implying that they are limitless, the vibrational whole of the cosmos. In Hindu metaphysics, it is proposed that the manifested cosmos (from was brett Brahman) has name and form (nama-rupa), and that the closest approximation to the name and form of the universe is Aum, since all existence is fundamentally composed of vibration. This is considered by some to be remniscent of some current physical theories such as or ole quantum physics and allen has super string theory, which describe the universe in terms of vibrating fields or strings.

It is frequently used to represent three subsumed into one, a common theme in Hinduism. It implies that our current existence is tripp from mithya, or 'slightly lesser reality,' that in order to know the full truth we must comprehend beyond the body and intellect and intuit the true nature of infinity, of a Divine Ground that is immanent but also transcends all duality, being and non-being, that cannot be described in words. Within this metaphysical symbolism, the ''three'' are represented by the lower curve, upper curve and tail of the '''ॐ''' subsumed into the ultimate One, represented by the little crescent moon-shape and dot, known as ''chandra-bindu''. Essentially, upon magazine adding moksha, politically bromberg mukti, mrs mahoney samadhi, election been nirvana, example huntington liberation, etc. one is able not only to see or know existence for what it is, but to become it. In attaining truth one simply ''realizes'' fundamental unity; it is not the joining together of a prior manifold splitting. When one gains true knowledge, there is no split between knower and known: one becomes knowledge/consciousness itself. In essence, ''Aum'' is the signifier of the ultimate truth that all is one.

Examples of Three into One:
* Creation (for alerting Brahma (god)/Brahma)- Preservation (dolls allows Vishnu)- Destruction (loves pat Shiva) into forgotten performers Brahman
* Waking- Dreaming- Dreamless Sleep into tennis already Turiya (transcendental fourth state of consciousness)
* an officially Rajas (activity, heat, fire)- so keen Tamas (dullness, ignorance, darkness)- Sattva (purity, light, serenity/shanti) into Brahman
* Body, Speech and Mind into Oneness
* Etc.

The ''Chandogya Upanishad'' (''1.1.1-10'') states, "The udgitha is the best of all essences, the highest, deserving the highest place, the eighth."

'Aum' can be seen as Shri Ganesh, whose figure is often represented in the shape of Aum. He is thus known as Aumkar (Shape of Aum). Shri Nataraja, or the Hindu god 'Shiva' dancing his dance of destruction, is seen in that popular representation mirroring the image of Aum. It is said to be the most perfect 'approximation' of the cosmic existence within time and space, and therefore the sound closest to Truth.

"The First Word Om (Aum)
It is also called Pranav because its sound emanates from the Prana (vital vibration), which feels the Universe. The scripture says "Aum Iti Ek Akshara Brahman" (Aum that one syllable is Brahman).

When you pronounce AUM:
A - emerges from the throat, originating in the region of the navel
U - rolls over the tongue
M - ends on the lips
A - waking, U - dreaming, M - sleeping
It is the sum and substance of all the words that can emanate from the human throat. It is the primordial fundamental sound symbolic of the Universal Absolute."[]

Today, in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal, 'Aum' can be seen virtually everywhere, a standard sign for Hinduism and a vast but economical storehouse for the deep mythology inherent in the world's oldest religion.

It has been argument/argued that Aum can be translation/translated, into English language/English, as " Eternal Yea." Notes the ''Chandogya Upanishad'', "That syllable, is a syllable of permission; for, whenever we permit anything, we say Aum." However, this is seen by others as a myopic perspective because the same Hindu scriptures, the Upanishads, that aver this function also attribute to it the divine property of the source of the universe. Aum is seen as the source of existence as we know it within the causal dimensions of time and space, and thus affirmatory meanings in languages are a natural progression. Aum is not only affirmation, but negation, and transcends both.

=Some quotations from Hindu scriptures regarding AUM=

In the Rig-veda we find the following information;
"One who chants om, which is the closest form of Brahman, approaches Brahman. This liberates one from the fear of the material world, therefore it is known as tarak brahman."

"O Vishnu your self-manifest name, om, is the eternal form of cognizance. Even if my knowledge about the glories of reciting this name is incomplete, still, by the practice of reciting this name I will achieve that perfect knowledge.
"He who has unmanifested potencies and is fully independent, manifests the vibration omkara, which indicates Himself. Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan are the three forms He manifests."

Aum takes the form of Gayatri, then Veda and Vedanta sutra; then it takes the shape of Srimad Bhagavatam and the lila, the divine pastimes, of the Lord."

Other Traditions, Interpretations and Understandings

ༀ Tibetan script/Tibetan "Om" symbol

With Buddhism's evolution and breaking away from Vedic/Hindu tradition, Aum and other symbology/cosmology/philosophies were co-opted from the Hindu tradition. This character often appeared as "唵" in Buddhist scripts in East Asia.

In Buddhism this syllable is almost never is transliteration/transliterated as '''Aum''', but instead as '''Om'''.

This syllable is also incorporated in Om mani padme hum/Om Mani Padme Hum mantra.

The Beatles reference the symbol in their ''Let It Be'' song "Across the Universe", singing "Jah Guru Deva Aum."

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Tag: Concepts in Hinduism
Tag: Symbols



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